How to stop Pet Urine From killing lawn

No pet dog owner in the world is crazy about those awful stains caused by their dogs’ urine. Unfortunately, they’re kind of inevitable … or are they?! I’m going to share a few workarounds I’ve found to stop pet urine from killing grass.

I’m Barbara and I write regularly for That Mutt. I’m also a blogger over at K9s Over Coffee.

Jump ahead to:

Why does pet dog pee kill grass?

Male and female dogs can kill grass, not just females

How to stop pet urine from killing the grass

1. Train your pet dog to pee on cedar chips or rocks instead of grass.

Take your pet dog out on a leash to the cedar chips or rocks

Reward the ideal behavior with treats and/or praise

Teach your pet dog to pee on command

2. pour water over the pet dog pee every time.

3. walk your pet dog down the street every time.

You probably want to respect your neighbors’ grassy areas

4. show the pet dog to go in a certain area or corner of the yard.

How to stop other dogs from peeing on your grass

Supplements you can give your pet dog to stop killing grass

Dog Rocks to stop killing grass

PetHonesty GrassGreen Snacks

Plant lawn that is resistant to pet dog urine

Why does pet dog pee kill grass?

First things first, why does pet dog pee actually kill grass? Well, pet dog pee is high in salts, and too much of these cause those awful yellow burn patches on the grass.

It won’t affect it too much if a pet dog pees on the lawn just once, but undoubtedly that’s not a sensible scenario. If you have a yard and one or even several dogs, they’re going to be peeing on your lawn on a regular basis.

It’s that regular exposure that gives formerly green lawn that awful yellow burnt look.

Male and female dogs can kill grass, not just females

Just to clear up one common myth – male dogs kill lawn too, not just females. You may have heard that female dogs cause a lot more damage to green lawn when they’re peeing on it.

It is true that females normally squat to pee, as a result covering a smaller area with a larger amount of urine. but make no mistake – male dogs can do just as much damage to lawn when they’re peeing, especially if they pee all in one spot.

Lindsay’s male pet dog Remy normally squats to pee as well, and kid has he left plenty of yellow patches on the lawn!

How to stop pet urine from killing the grass

The following ideas are all effective, but they do require a certain consistency when you first get your pet dog used to them, along with satisfying the right behavior.

1. Train your pet dog to pee on cedar chips or rocks instead of grass.

Cedar chips and rocks are a great option if your yard consists of nothing but grass.

They’re both inexpensive, and all they require on your part is a quick trip to your local Walmart or home improvement merchant like Lowe’s or home Depot. By the way, a positive side effect of cedar chips is their flea repelling benefit!

A word of caution: If your pet dog has a tendency of chewing on the cedar chips, make sure to select organic cedar chips. Dogs who chew on rocks can loose teeth to that activity, so make sure to tailor your dog’s alternate peeing surface to his or her habits. You could also chose gravel instead of rocks.

Take your pet dog out on a leash to the cedar chips or rocks
You’ll need to train your pet dog to pee on a different surface than the lawn that he’s likely used to.

This is easiest to show when your pet dog is still a puppy. That’s because they pick up anything you show them like a sponge, especially during their first 4 months of life. That’s why it pays off to socialize your puppy to walking and taking care of their service on different surfaces. For example grass, sand, asphalt, rock, cedar chips, want needles, etc. You get the idea.

However, it’s entirely possible to show your older pet dog that new trick as well! You’ll just have to show your pup what you expect of him, and the easiest way of doing that is to leash him and walk him to his new potty area every time. then reward with praise and treats.

The process might take some dogs a week or two and others may need several weeks of consistency.

Reward the ideal behavior with treats and/or praise
Make sure you bring your delighted voice as well as tasty, high value treats like cut up hot pet dog or string cheese. Anything smelly like dried fish or green tripe treats works wonders, too.

You may want to make things easy on yourself and just have a treat bag within close proximity of your back door. That way you don’t have to fumble around for it whenever you get ready to head outside with your pup.

All my doggie things are hanging up in one easily easily accessible area, including Mighty Paw’s treat pouch

As soon as your pup goes potty in the right area, praise him warmly and hand out one of those high value goodies. god dreng!

He’ll soon get the idea to associate the new space with his toilet area. It just takes some repetition to form this new habit. keep walking him to that area on a leash until he gets the message that you only want him to pee there.

Tip: once your pup understands where you want him to pee, slowly minimize the amount of treats you hand out. You also no longer need to treat him on a regular basis. Instead, praise him verbally whenever but make a treat reward a lot more random.

That way he’ll learn not to rely solely on treats for using the ideal behavior. Also, remember that treats have calories too, so it’s crucial to adjust his food intake accordingly.

Teach your pet dog to pee on command

Go ahead and associate a certain command like “go potty” or “get busy” with your pet dog peeing (and/or pooping while we’re at it). That’ll make it a no-brainer for your pet dog to figure out what you want from him.

If your pet dog hesitates to go potty on the cedar chips or rocks, take him to that area when you know he really has to go. like first thing in the morning, or after an afternoon nap or a playtime session. Praise and reward as soon as he pees on the new surface!

For a male dog, you could place the cedar chips or rocks around a tree or next to a bush if you know he likes to lift his leg.

2. pour water over the pet dog pee every time.

OK, so you might not want to put rocks or cedar chips in your yard.

Another technique is to pour water over your dog’s pee spot in your yard whenever he pees on it. use a pitcher or a water bottle. just have it ready by the door every time.

This works really well, as you can see in the below picture. That’s my yard. It’s been raining so much here in central North Carolina that Wally’s pee got washed away courtesy of the sky!

The rain washed away a lot of of Wally’s pee spots in the yard

3. walk your pet dog down the street every time.

You can also completely avoid your own yard if you’re up to that extra work! If you have empty lots in your neighborhood or wooded areas nearby, it won’t be too much of a challenge.

Just walk your pet dog down the street whenever he needs a potty break. (Those of you who live in apartments have been doing this multiple times a day, every day. It’s just part of life for many!)

However, if you live in a residential neighborhood and are surrounded by homes, do make sure not to piss your neighbors off!

I remember walking my previous Boxer pups in my former neighborhood and letting them pee on the patch of lawn that’s by the curb. You know, that area that’s between the sidewalk and the street. Technically, that area belongs to the city, but it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to care for it.

You probably want to respect your neighbors’ grassy areas
The owner of the home happened to be on her front deck and saw Buzz lift his leg on it. She need to have had a really bad day because she called the police on me for allowing Buzz to pee on that stretch of grass!

The police officer who showed up on my front deck was great enough to let me know that technically it really wasn’t that person’s property. but he suggested not to let my dogs pee on it anymore considering that it bothered that lady. fair nok.

So I did my best not to allow the pups to pee on those grassy areas anymore. For the most part, I let the pups go potty on empty lots where construction hadn’t started yet, close to a wooded area.

Side note: The woman who called the police on me had 3 dogs herself, who were always out in her fenced-in backyard whenever I walked by that house. I wonder what her backyard lawn looked like if she had any…

Buzz peeing on an empty lot instead of someone’s property

4. show the pet dog to go in a certain area or corner of the yard.

Even if you don’t feel like going out and getting cedar chips, gravel, or rocks, you can still show your pet dog to pee in a certain area or corner of your yard.

To do that, use the same methods I detailed earlier:

Leash your pet dog and walk him to the area where you want him to pee
Praise and reward with a delighted voice and/or high-value treats

Remember that consistency is crucial and that some dogs learn faster than others.

How to stop other dogs from peeing on your grass

Now that I’ve pointed out several ways for your own pet dog to not kill the grass, what about keeping otHendes hunde ud af din græsplæne? Når alt kommer til alt, kan du ikke patruljere det selv 24/7/365!

Nå, det er en masse nyttige at gøre din græsplæne uopnåelig ved at hæmme den. Det skal være et fysisk hegn af træ, plast, metal eller aluminium. Et elektrisk hegn holder ikke nogen ulige hunde ud af din gård.

En anden ide er at sætte et tegn, der klart siger, at din gård er en no-pee / poop zone, især hvis din forhave ikke kan indhegnes. Ofte er det tilfældet, når HOA-politikkerne forbyder det. Det er helt et pænere skridt på din side end at ringe til politiet som den ene person gjorde med mig!

Det vil naturligvis kun arbejde for hunde, der bliver vandret af ansvarlige ejere / håndtere, der respekterer dine ønsker. Det vil heller ikke have en effekt på nogen løse hunde, der tilfældigvis går af din ejendom og beslutter at tage en potte pause på dit græs.

Kosttilskud Du kan give din hund til at stoppe med at dræbe græs

Der er et par produkter, der hævder, at de hjælper med at stoppe kæledyrs urin fra at dræbe græs. En af dem er kæledyrhunde klipper, en anden hedder kæledyr ærlighed græsplæne grønne snacks. Jeg anbefaler ikke nødvendigvis disse produkt. Jeg har ikke prøvet dem. Jeg lader bare dig vide, hvad der er derude, hvis du vil give dem et forsøg (lad mig vide!).

Hund rocks for at stoppe med at dræbe græs

Hundens klipper er klipper, der stopper de brændende urinplaster på ægte græsplæne ved at fjerne mængden af ​​nitrater fra hans drikkevand. De er et australsk produkt, som jeg først kom på tværs, da jeg deltog i Global Pet Expo i Orlando, FL, tilbage i 2016. Ifølge virksomheden er de naturligvis forekommende paramagnetiske stødige sten.

Sådan fungerer de:

Placer i din hunds vandskål
Top vand off.
Udskift kun vand hvert par dage
Udskift klipper hver 2. måned

Hund Rocks.

Hvorfor Pet Dog Rocks virker ikke for mig personligt:

Jeg tror ikke på kun at topping vand fra hvert par dage. Jeg erstatter min hunds vand hver eneste dag.

Pethonesty GrassGreen Snacks

Disse græsplæner grønne snacks er doggie chews, der minimerer kvælstofniveauer i en hunds urin. Vi ved dog, at det faktisk er saltene i hundens urin, der ender med at dræbe dit græs.

Greengrass snacks er lavet i USA med disse ingredienser:

Gulerod, kokosnødglycerin, hørfrø, blandede tocopheroler, naturlig ænder, havrør, økologisk brun ris sirup, palmefrugtolie, pulveriseret cellulose, risbrænder, rosmarinekstrakt, sorbinsyre, solsikke lecithin, søde kartoffel, tomat.

Jeg har personligt ikke prøvet dem, men de synes at arbejde ret pænt i henhold til anmeldelser, jeg kiggede på! The Chews modtaget 2.074 anmeldelser med en gennemsnitlig bedømmelse på 4,4 stjerner ud af 5 mulige på Amazon. En 90 chew container koster omkring $ 28.

Plant græsplæne, der er modstandsdygtig over for kæledyrhund urin

Nogle typer græsplæner er meget mere modstandsdygtige over for dyrehunde urin end andre. Afhængigt af hvor du bor, kan du gå videre og plante græsplænen, der gør det bedre med eksponering for dyrehunde urin!

Græstyper for at undgå, hvis du er i den nordlige del af USA med “Cool Season” græsplæner:

Kentucky Blue Grass.

I stedet plante disse typer græs. Du kan finde dem på din lokale Home Improvement Store:


Græstyper for at undgå, hvis du er i den sydlige del af USA med “Varmsæson” græsplæner:

Bermuda græs.

Nu vil vi gerne høre fra dig!

Har du brugt nogen af ​​disse teknikker til at stoppe kæledyr urin fra at dræbe græs?

Har du yderligere råd? Lad os vide i kommentarerne!

Barbara-floder skriver regelmæssigt for den mutt. Hun er certificeret i Raw Pet Dog Food Nutrition fra hunde naturligt magasin og forfatteren af ​​tre bøger om afbalanceret rå hund hund. Hun er en blogger på K9s over kaffe.

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